(cl:in-package #:esrap)
(defun parse (expression text &key (start 0) end junk-allowed raw)
"Parses TEXT using EXPRESSION from START to END.
Incomplete parses, that is not consuming the entirety of TEXT, are
allowed only if JUNK-ALLOWED is true.
Returns three values:
1) A production, if the parse succeeded, NIL otherwise.
2) The position up to which TEXT has been consumed or NIL if the
entirety of TEXT has been consumed.
3) If the parse succeeded, even if it did not consume any input, T is
returned as a third value.
The third return value is necessary to distinguish successful and
failed parses for cases like
(parse '(! #\\a) \"a\" :junk-allowed t)
(parse '(! #\\a) \"b\" :junk-allowed t)
in which the first two return values cannot indicate failures.
RAW controls whether the parse result is interpreted and translated
into the return values described above. If RAW is true, a parse result
of type RESULT or ERROR-RESULT is returned as a single value.
Note that the combination of arguments :junk-allowed t :raw t does not
make sense since the JUNK-ALLOWED parameter is used when parse results
are interpreted and translated into return values which does not
happen when :raw t."
(when (and junk-allowed raw)
(error "~@<The combination of arguments ~{~S~^ ~} does not make ~
(list :junk-allowed junk-allowed :raw raw)))
(let* ((end (or end (length text)))
(*context* (make-context end))
(result (eval-expression expression text start end)))
(declare (dynamic-extent *context*))
(if raw
(process-parse-result result text start end junk-allowed))))
(define-compiler-macro parse (&whole form expression text
&rest arguments &key &allow-other-keys)
(flet ((make-expansion (result-var rawp junk-allowed-p body)
(with-gensyms (expr-fun)
`(let ((,expr-fun (load-time-value (compile-expression ,expression))))
((lambda (text &key (start 0) end
,@(if rawp '(raw))
,@(if junk-allowed-p '(junk-allowed)))
(let* ((end (or end (length text)))
(*context* (make-context end))
(,result-var (funcall ,expr-fun text start end)))
(declare (dynamic-extent *context*))
,text ,@(remove-from-plist arguments :raw))))))
((not (constantp expression)) form)
((let ((raw (getf arguments :raw 'missing)))
(when (and (not (eq raw 'missing))
(constantp raw)) (let ((rawp (eval raw)))
(make-expansion 'result nil (not rawp)
(if rawp
result text start end junk-allowed)))))))
(make-expansion 'result t t
'(if raw
result text start end junk-allowed)))))))
(defun process-parse-result (result text start end junk-allowed)
((successful-parse-p result)
(with-accessors ((position result-position)
(production successful-parse-production))
((= position end) (values production nil t))
(junk-allowed (values production position t)) (t (esrap-parse-error text result)))))
(values nil start))
(esrap-parse-error text result))))
(defmacro defrule (&whole form symbol expression &body options)
"Define SYMBOL as a nonterminal, using EXPRESSION as associated the parsing expression.
Multiple OPTIONS specifying transforms are composed in the order of
(:text t)
(:function parse-integer)
(alexandria:compose #'parse-integer #'text)
Following OPTIONS can be specified:
The rule is active only when TEST evaluates to true. This can be used
to specify optional extensions to a grammar.
This option can only be supplied once.
No matter what input is consumed or what EXPRESSION produces, the production
of the rule is always CONSTANT.
If provided the production of the expression is transformed using
FUNCTION. FUNCTION can be a function name or a lambda-expression.
If true, the production of expression is used as-is, as if (:FUNCTION IDENTITY)
has been specified. If no production option is specified, this is the default.
If true, the production of expression is flattened and concatenated into a string
as if by (:FUNCTION TEXT) has been specified.
If provided, same as using the corresponding lambda-expression with :FUNCTION.
As an extension of the standard lambda list syntax, LAMBDA-LIST accepts
the optional pseudo lambda-list keyword ESRAP:&BOUNDS, which (1) must appear
after all standard lambda list keywords. (2) can be followed by one or two
variables to which bounding indexes of the matching substring are bound.
If provided, same as using a lambda-expression that destructures its argument
using DESTRUCTURING-BIND and the provided lambda-list with :FUNCTION.
as described for :LAMBDA.
If provided, execute BODY around the construction of the production of the
rule. BODY has to call ESRAP:CALL-TRANSFORM to trigger the computation of
the production. Any transformation provided via :LAMBDA, :FUNCTION
or :DESTRUCTURE is executed inside the call to ESRAP:CALL-TRANSFORM. As a
result, modification to the dynamic state are visible within the
ESRAP:&BOUNDS can be used in the same way as described for :LAMBDA
This option can be used to safely track nesting depth, manage symbol
tables or for other stack-like operations.
Defaults to :UNLESS-TRIVIAL if not provided. Controls whether the
rule should be compiled with caching. :UNLESS-TRIVIAL
automatically disables caching if 1) it doesn't change the
behavior of the rule (see below) 2) the expression of the rule is
simple enough to guarantee that disabling caching will improve
For rules with simple expressions, the overhead of cache lookup
and update can by far exceed the cost of simply evaluating the
rule expression. Disabling caching can improve performance in such
Note that disabling caching can change the behavior of the rule,
for example when the rule transform returns a fresh object.
Defaults to T if not provided. Controls whether and how the rule
is used in parse error reports:
* T
The rule is used in parse error reports without
restriction (i.e. when describing the context of a failure as
well as listing failed rules and expected inputs).
The rule is not used in parse error reports in any capacity. In
particular, inputs expected by the rule are not mentioned.
This value is useful for things like whitespace rules since
something like \"expected space, tab or newline\", even if it
would have allowed the parser to continue for one character, is
rarely helpful.
The rule is used in the \"context\" part of parse error
reports. The rule is neither mentioned in the list of failed
rules nor are inputs expected by it.
The rule is not used in the \"context\" part of parse error
reports, but can appear in the list of failed rules. Inputs
expected by the rule are mentioned as well.
(multiple-value-bind (transforms around when error-report use-cache)
(parse-defrule-options options form)
(transform transform-identity-p transform-constant-p transform-text-p)
(expand-transforms transforms)
(let ((properties (make-rule-properties
:uses-cache use-cache
:uses-cache-unless-trivial (eq use-cache :unless-trivial)
:transform-identity transform-identity-p
:transform-constant transform-constant-p
:transform-text transform-text-p)))
`(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
(add-rule ',symbol (make-instance 'rule
:expression ',expression
:guard-expression ',(cdr when)
:condition ,(car when)
:transform ,transform
:around ,around
:error-report ,error-report
:properties ,properties)))))))
(defun add-rule (symbol rule)
"Associates RULE with the nonterminal SYMBOL. Signals an error if the
rule is already associated with a nonterminal. If the symbol is already
associated with a rule, the old rule is removed first."
(check-type symbol nonterminal)
(when (rule-symbol rule)
(error "~S is already associated with the nonterminal ~S -- remove it first."
rule (rule-symbol rule)))
(let* ((cell (ensure-rule-cell symbol))
(function (compile-rule symbol
(rule-expression rule)
(rule-condition rule)
(rule-transform rule)
(rule-around rule)
(rule-properties rule)))
(trace-info (cell-trace-info cell)))
(set-cell-info cell function rule)
(setf (cell-trace-info cell) nil
(slot-value rule '%symbol) symbol)
(when trace-info
(destructuring-bind (break condition) (rest trace-info)
(trace-rule symbol :break break :condition condition)))
(defun find-rule (symbol)
"Returns rule designated by SYMBOL, if any. Symbol must be a nonterminal
(check-type symbol nonterminal)
(when-let ((cell (find-rule-cell symbol)))
(cell-rule cell)))
(defun remove-rule (symbol &key force)
"Makes the nonterminal SYMBOL undefined. If the nonterminal is defined an
already referred to by other rules, an error is signalled unless :FORCE is
(check-type symbol nonterminal)
(let* ((cell (find-rule-cell symbol))
(rule (cell-rule cell))
(trace-info (cell-trace-info cell)))
(when cell
(flet ((frob ()
(set-cell-info cell (undefined-rule-function symbol) nil) (when trace-info
(setf (cell-trace-info cell) (list* (cell-%info cell) (rest trace-info))))
(when rule
(detach-rule rule))))
(cond ((and rule (cell-referents cell))
(unless force
(error "Nonterminal ~S is used by other nonterminal~P:~% ~{~S~^, ~}"
symbol (length (cell-referents cell)) (cell-referents cell)))
((not (cell-referents cell))
(unless trace-info
(delete-rule-cell symbol)))))
(defvar *trace-level* 0)
(defun trace-rule (symbol &key recursive break condition)
"Turn on tracing of nonterminal SYMBOL.
If RECURSIVE is true, turn on tracing for the whole grammar rooted at
SYMBOL. If RECURSIVE is a positive integer, turn on tracing for all
rules reachable from the nonterminal SYMBOL in that number of steps.
If BREAK is true, break is entered when the rule is invoked.
If supplied, CONDITION has to be a function whose lambda-list is
compatible to (symbol text position end). This function is called to
determine whether trace actions should be executed for the traced
SYMBOL is the name of the rule being executed.
TEXT is the whole text being parsed.
POSITION is the position within TEXT at which the rule is executed.
END is the end position of the portion of TEXT being parsed."
(let ((seen (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
(labels ((traced (symbol break fun text position end)
(when break
(break "rule ~S" symbol))
(format *trace-output* "~&~V@T~D: ~S ~S[~A]?~%"
*trace-level* (1+ *trace-level*) symbol position
(substitute #\ΒΆ #\Newline
(subseq text
(max 0 (- position 2))
(min (length text) (+ position 3)))))
(finish-output *trace-output*)
(let* ((*trace-level* (1+ *trace-level*))
(result (funcall fun text position end)))
(format *trace-output* "~&~V@T~D: ~S "
(1- *trace-level*) *trace-level* symbol)
(if (error-result-p result)
(format *trace-output* "-|~%")
(format *trace-output* "~S-~S -> ~S~%"
position (result-position result)
(successful-parse-production result)))
(finish-output *trace-output*)
(traced/condition (condition symbol break fun text position end)
(if (funcall condition symbol text position end)
(traced symbol break fun text position end)
(funcall fun text position end)))
(trace-one (symbol cell depth)
(if (gethash cell seen)
(return-from trace-one)
(setf (gethash cell seen) t))
(when (cell-trace-info cell)
(untrace-rule symbol))
(let ((fun (cell-function cell))
(rule (cell-rule cell))
(info (cell-%info cell)))
cell (if condition
(curry #'traced/condition condition symbol break fun)
(curry #'traced symbol break fun))
(setf (cell-trace-info cell) (list info break condition))
(when (and rule
(if (integerp depth) (plusp depth) depth))
(dolist (dep (%rule-direct-dependencies rule))
(trace-one dep (find-rule-cell dep)
(if (integerp depth) (1- depth) depth)))))
(trace-one symbol
(or (find-rule-cell symbol)
(undefined-rule symbol))
(defun untrace-rule (symbol &key recursive break condition)
"Turn off tracing of nonterminal SYMBOL.
If RECURSIVE is true, turn off tracing for the whole grammar rooted at
SYMBOL. If RECURSIVE is a positive integer, turn off tracing for all
rules reachable from the nonterminal SYMBOL in that number of steps.
BREAK and CONDITION are ignored, and are provided only for symmetry
(declare (ignore break condition))
(let ((seen (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
(labels ((untrace-one (cell depth)
(if (gethash cell seen)
(return-from untrace-one)
(setf (gethash cell seen) t))
(let ((rule (cell-rule cell))
(trace-info (cell-trace-info cell)))
(when trace-info
(setf (cell-%info cell) (first trace-info)
(cell-trace-info cell) nil))
(when (and rule
(if (integerp depth) (plusp depth) depth))
(dolist (dep (%rule-direct-dependencies rule))
(untrace-one (find-rule-cell dep)
(if (integerp depth) (1- depth) depth)))))
(untrace-one (or (find-rule-cell symbol)
(undefined-rule symbol))
(defun untrace-all-rules ()
"Turn off tracing of all nonterminals."
(maphash-keys #'untrace-rule *rules*))
(defun rule-expression (rule)
"Return the parsing expression associated with the RULE."
(slot-value rule '%expression))
(defun (setf rule-expression) (expression rule)
"Modify RULE to use EXPRESSION as the parsing expression. The rule must be
detached beforehand."
(let ((name (rule-symbol rule)))
(when name
(error "~@<Cannot change the expression of an active rule, ~
remove ~S first, or use CHANGE-RULE.~:@>"
(setf (slot-value rule '%expression) expression)))
(defun change-rule (symbol expression)
"Modifies the nonterminal SYMBOL to use EXPRESSION instead. Temporarily
removes the rule while it is being modified."
(let ((rule (remove-rule symbol :force t)))
(unless rule
(undefined-rule symbol))
(setf (rule-expression rule) expression)
(add-rule symbol rule)))
(defun describe-grammar (symbol &optional (stream *standard-output*))
"Prints the grammar tree rooted at nonterminal SYMBOL to STREAM for human
(check-type symbol nonterminal)
(flet ((max-symbol-length (symbols)
(reduce #'max symbols
:key (compose #'length #'prin1-to-string)
:initial-value 0))
(output-rule (length rule)
(format stream "~3T~S~VT<- ~S~@[ : ~S~]~%"
(rule-symbol rule)
(rule-expression rule)
(when (rule-condition rule)
(rule-guard-expression rule)))))
(if-let ((rule (find-rule symbol)))
(format stream "~&Grammar ~S:~%" symbol)
(multiple-value-bind (defined undefined) (rule-dependencies rule)
(let ((length
(+ 4 (max (max-symbol-length defined)
(max-symbol-length undefined)))))
(output-rule length rule)
(mapc (compose (curry #'output-rule length) #'find-rule) defined)
(when undefined
(format stream "~%Undefined nonterminal~P:~%~{~3T~S~%~}"
(length undefined) undefined)))))
(format stream "Symbol ~S is not a defined nonterminal." symbol))))