Eclector User’s Manual

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Eclector User’s Manual

This manual is for Eclector version TODO.

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1 Introduction

Eclector is a portable, implementation-independent version of the Common Lisp function read, a corresponding readtable and a quasiquotation facility. As opposed to existing implementation-specific versions of read, Eclector uses generic functions to allow clients to customize the exact behavior, such as the interpretation of tokens.

Another unusual feature of Eclector is its ability to, at the discretion of the client, recover from many syntax errors, continue reading and return a result that somewhat resembles what would have been returned in case the syntax had been valid.

Furthermore, Eclector can be used as a source tracking reader, which is accomplished through a mode of operation that produces parse results which wrap the Common Lisp expressions in objects that can also contain information about the positions in the source code of those expressions. One example of such parse results are concrete syntax trees 1.


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2 External protocols

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2.1 Packages

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2.1.1 Package for ordinary reader features

The package for ordinary reader features is named eclector.reader. To use features of this package, we recommend the use of explicit package prefixes, simply because this package shadows and exports names that are also exported from the common-lisp package. Importing this package will likely cause conflicts with the common-lisp package otherwise.

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2.1.2 Package for readtable features

The package for readtable-related features is named eclector.readtable. To use features of this package, we recommend the use of explicit package prefixes, simply because this package shadows and exports names that are also exported from the common-lisp package. Importing this package will likely cause conflicts with the common-lisp package otherwise.

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2.1.3 Package for parse result construction features

The package for features related to the creation of client-defined parse results is named eclector.parse-result. Although this package does not shadow any symbol in the common-lisp package, we still recommend the use of explicit package prefixes to refer to symbols in this package.

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2.1.4 Package for CST features

The package for features related to the creation of concrete syntax trees is named eclector.concrete-syntax-tree. Although this package does not shadow any symbol in the common-lisp package, we still recommend the use of explicit package prefixes to refer to symbols in this package.

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2.2 Ordinary reader features

In this section, symbols written without package marker are in the eclector.reader package (see Package for ordinary reader features)

The features provided in this package fall into two categories:


Figure 2.1: Functions and typical function call sequences. Solid arrows represent calls, dashed arrows represent returns from function calls. Labels above arrows represent arguments and return values.

Figure 2.1 illustrates the categorization into the Common Lisp reader compatible interface and the extensible behavior protocol as well as typical function call patterns that arise when the functions read, read-preserving-whitespace, read-from-string and read-delimited-list are called by client code.

Variable: *client* [eclector.reader]

This variable is used by several generic functions called by read. The default value of the variable is nil. Client code that wants to override or extend the default behavior of some generic function of Eclector should bind this variable to some standard object and provide a method on that generic function, specialized to the class of that standard object.

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2.2.1 Common Lisp reader compatible interface

The following functions are like their standarad Common Lisp counterparts with the two differences that their names are symbols in the eclector.reader package and that their behavior can deviate from that of the standard reader depending on the value of the *client* variable.

Function: read [eclector.reader] &optional (input-stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil) (recursive-p nil)

This function is the main entry point for the ordinary reader. It is entirely compatible with the standard Common Lisp function with the same name.

Function: read-preserving-whitespace [eclector.reader] &optional (input-stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil) (recursive-p nil)

This function is entirely compatible with the standard Common Lisp function with the same name.

Function: read-from-string [eclector.reader] string &optional (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil) &key (start 0) (end nil) (preserve-whitespace nil)

This function is entirely compatible with the standard Common Lisp function with the same name.

Function: read-delimited-list [eclector.reader] char &optional (input-stream *standard-input*) (recursive-p nil)

This function is entirely compatible with the standard Common Lisp function with the same name.

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2.2.2 Reader behavior protocol

By defining methods on the generic functions of this protocol, clients can customize the high-level behavior of the reader.

Generic Function: call-as-top-level-read [eclector.reader] client thunk input-streameof-error-p eof-value preserve-whitespace-p

This generic function is called by read, if read is called with a true value for the recursive-p parameter. It calls thunk with the necessary context for a global read call. thunk should read and return an object without consuming any whitespace following the object. If preserve-whitespace-p is false, this function reads up to one character of whitespace after thunk returns. This function returns the object or eof-value returned by thunk as its first value. It may return additional values.

The default method on this generic function performs two tasks:

  1. It establishes a context in which labels (#NNo dispatch function is defined for the character N as a sub-character of the dispatch macro character #.=) and references (#NNo dispatch function is defined for the character N as a sub-character of the dispatch macro character #.#While reading dispatching macro character #, expected a sub-character when input ended.) work.
  2. It realizes the requested preserve-whitespace-p behavior.
Generic Function: read-common [eclector.reader] client input-stream eof-error-p eof-value

This generic function is called by read, passing it the value of the variable *client* and the corresponding parameters. Client code can add methods on this function, specializing them to the client class of its choice. The actions that read needs to take for different values of the parameter recursive-p have already been taken before read calls this generic function.

Generic Function: read-maybe-nothing [eclector.reader] client input-stream eof-error-p eof-value

This generic function can be called directly by the client or by the generic function read-common to read an object or consume input without returning an object. If called directly by the client, the call has to be in the dynamic scope of a call-as-top-level-read call. The function read-maybe-nothing either

Generic Function: note-skipped-input [eclector.reader] client input-stream reason

This generic function is called whenever the reader skips some input such as a comment or a form that must be skipped because of a reader conditional. It is called with the value of the variable *client*, the input stream from which the input is being read and an object indicating the reason for skipping the input. The default method on this generic function does nothing. Client code can supply a method that specializes to the client class of its choice.

When this function is called, the stream is positioned immediately after the skipped input. Client code that wants to know both the beginning and the end of the skipped input must remember the stream position before the call to read was made as well as the stream position when the call to this function is made.

Variable: *skip-reason* [eclector.reader]

This variable is used by the reader to determine why a range of input characters has been skipped. To this end, internal functions of the reader as well as reader macros can set this variable to a suitable value before skipping over some input. Then, after the input has been skipped, the generic function note-skipped-input is called with the value of the variable as its reason argument.

As an example, the method on note-skipped-input specialized to eclector.parse-result:parse-result-client relays the reason and position information to the client by calling the eclector.parse-result:make-skipped-input-result generic function (see Parse result construction features).

Generic Function: read-token [eclector.reader] client input-stream eof-error-p eof-value

This generic function is called by read-common when it has been detected that a token should be read. This function is responsible for accumulating the characters of the token and then calling interpret-token (see below) in order to create and return a token.

Generic Function: interpret-token [eclector.reader] client input-stream token escape-ranges

This generic function is called by read-token in order to create a token from accumulated token characters. The parameter token is a string containing the characters that make up the token. The parameter escape-ranges indicates ranges of characters read from input-stream and preceded by a character with single-escape syntax or delimited by characters with multiple-escape syntax. Values of escape-ranges are lists of elements of the form (start</var>\ .\ <var>end) where start is the index of the first escaped character and end is the index following the last escaped character. Note that start and var can be identical indicating no escaped characters. This can happen in cases like a||b. The information conveyed by the escape-ranges parameter is used to convert the characters in token according to the readtable case of the current readtable before a token is constructed.

Generic Function: interpret-symbol-token [eclector.reader] client input-stream token position-package-marker-1 position-package-marker-2

This generic function is called by the default method on interpret-token when the syntax of the token corresponds to that of a valid symbol. The parameter input-stream is the input stream from which the characters were read. The parameter token is a string that contains all the characters of the token. The parameter position-package-marker-1 contains the index into token of the first package marker, or nil if the token contains no package markers. The parameter position-package-marker-2 contains the index into token of the second package marker, or nil if the token contains no package markers or only a single package marker.

The default method on this generic function calls interpret-symbol (see below) with a symbol name string and a package indicator.

Generic Function: interpret-symbol [eclector.reader] client input-stream package-indicator symbol-name internp

This generic function is called by the default method on interpret-symbol-token as well as the default #: reader macro function to resolve a symbol name string and a package indicator to a representation of the designated symbol. The parameter input-stream is the input stream from which package-indicator and symbol-name were read. The parameter package-indicator is a either

The symbol-name is the name of the desired symbol.

The default method uses cl:find-package (or cl:*package* when package-indicator is :current) to resolve package-indicator followed by cl:find-symbol or cl:intern, depending on internp, to resolve symbol-name.

A second method which is specialized on package-indicator being nil uses cl:make-symbol to create uninterned symbols.

Generic Function: call-reader-macro [eclector.reader] client input-stream char readtable

This generic function is called when the reader has determined that some character is associated with a reader macro. The parameter char has to be used in conjunction with the readtable parameter to obtain the macro function that is associated with the macro character. The parameter input-stream is the input stream from which the reader macro function will read additional input to accomplish its task.

The default method on this generic function simply obtains the reader macro function for char from readtable and calls it, passing input-stream and char as arguments. The default method therefore does the same thing that the standard Common Lisp reader does.

Generic Function: find-character [eclector.reader] client name

This generic function is called by the default #\ reader macro function to find a character by name. name is the name that has been read converted to upper case. The function has to either return the character designated by name or nil if no such character exists.

Generic Function: make-structure-instance [eclector.reader] client name initargs

This generic function is called by the default #S reader macro function to construct structure instances. name is a symbol naming the structure type of which an instance should be constructed. initargs is a list the elements of which alternate between string designators naming structure slots and values for those slots.

It is the responsibility of the client to coerce the string designators to symbols as if by (intern (string slot-name) (find-package 'keyword)) as described in the Common Lisp specification.

There is no default method on this generic function since there is no portable way to construct structure instances given only the name of the structure type.

Generic Function: call-with-current-package [eclector.reader] client thunk package-designator

This generic function is called by the reader when input has to be read with a particular current package. This is currently only the case in the #+ and #- reader macro functions which read feature expressions in the keyword package. thunk is a function that should be called without arguments. package-designator designates the package that should be the current package around the call to thunk.

The default method on this generic function simply binds cl:*package* to the result of (cl:find-package package-designator) around calling thunk.

Generic Function: evaluate-expression [eclector.reader] client expression

This generic function is called by the default #. reader macro function to perform read-time evaluation. expression is the expression that should be evaluated as it was returned by a recursive read call and potentially influenced by client. The function has to either return the result of evaluating expression or signal an error.

The default method on this generic function simply returns the result of (cl:eval expression).

Generic Function: check-feature-expression [eclector.reader] client feature-expression

This generic function is called by the default #+ and #- reader macro functions to check the well-formedness of feature-expression which has been read from the input stream before evaluating it. For compound expressions, only the outermost expression is checked regarding the atom in operator position and its shape – child expressions are not checked. The function returns an unspecified value if feature-expression is well-formed and signals an error otherwise.

The default method on this generic function accepts standard Common Lisp feature expression, i.e. expressions recursively composed of symbols, :not-expressions, :and-expressions and :or-expressions.

Generic Function: evaluate-feature-expression [eclector.reader] client feature-expression

This generic function is called by the default #+ and #- reader macro functions to evaluate feature-expression which has been read from the input stream. The function returns either true or false if feature-expression is well-formed and signals an error otherwise.

For compound feature expressions, the well-formedness of child expressions is not checked immediately but lazily, just before the child expression in question is evaluated in a subsequent evaluate-feature-expression call. This allows expressions like #+(and my-cl-implementation (special-feature a b)) <var>form</var> to be read without error when the :my-cl-implementation feature is absent.

The default method on this generic function first calls check-feature-expression to check the well-formedness of feature-expression. It then evaluates feature-expression according to standard Common Lisp semantics for feature expressions.

Generic Function: fixup [eclector.reader] client object seen-objects mapping

This generic function is potentially called to apply circularity-related changes to the object constructed by the reader before it is returned to the caller. object is the object that should be modified. seen-objects is a eq-hash table used to track already processed objects (see below). mapping is a hash table of substitutions, mapping marker objects to replacement objects. A method specialized on a class, instances of which consists of parts, should modify object by scanning its parts for marker objects, replacing found markers with replacement object and recursively calling fixup for all parts. fixup is called for side effects – its return value is ignored.

Default methods specializing on the object parameter for cons, array, standard-object and hash-table process instances of those classes in the obvious way.

An unspecialized :around method queries and updates seen-objects to ensure that each object is processed exactly once.

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2.2.3 S-expression creation and quasiquotation

The following generic functions allow clients to construct representations of quoted and quasiquoted forms.

Generic Function: wrap-in-quote [eclector.reader] client material

This generic function is called by the default '-reader macro function to construct a quotation form in which material is the quoted material.

The default method on this generic function returns a result equivalent to (list 'common-lisp:quote material).

Generic Function: wrap-in-quasiquote [eclector.reader] client form

This generic function is called by the default `-reader macro function to construct a quasiquotation form in which form is the quasiquoted material.

The default method on this generic function returns a result equivalent to (list 'eclector.reader:quasiquote form).

Generic Function: wrap-in-unquote [eclector.reader] client form

This generic function is called by the default ,-reader macro function to construct an unquote form in which form is the unquoted material.

The default method on this generic function returns a result equivalent to (list 'eclector.reader:unquote form).

Generic Function: wrap-in-unquote-splicing [eclector.reader] client form

This generic function is called by the default ,@-reader macro function to construct a splicing unquote form in which form is the unquoted material.

The default method on this generic function returns a result equivalent to (list 'eclector.reader:unquote-splicing form).

Backquote and unquote syntax is forbidden in some contexts such as multi-dimensional array literals (#A) and structure literals (#S) thus Eclector has a mechanism for controlling whether backquote, unquote or both should be allowed in a given context. Since custom reader macros may also have to control this aspect, Eclector provides an external protocol:

Macro: with-forbidden-quasiquotation [eclector.reader] context &optional (quasiquote-forbidden-p t) (unquote-forbidden-p t) &body body

Disallow backquote syntax, unquote syntax or both in read functions called during the execution of body. context is a symbol identifying the current context which is used for error reporting. A typical value is the name of the reader macro function in which this macro is used. quasiquote-forbidden-p controls whether backquote syntax should be forbidden. The value :keep causes the binding to remain unchanged. unquote-forbidden-p controls whether unquote syntax should be forbidden. The value :keep causes the binding to remain unchanged.

Generic Function: wrap-in-function [eclector.reader] client name

This generic function is called by the default #'-reader macro function to construct a form that applies the function special operator to the name expression.

The default method on this generic function returns a result equivalent to (list 'common-lisp:function form).

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2.2.4 Readtable initialization

The standard syntax types and macro character associations used by the ordinary reader can be set up for any readtable object implementing the readtable protocol (see Readtable features). The following functions are provided for this purpose:

Function: set-standard-syntax-types [eclector.reader] readtable

This function sets the standard syntax types in readtable (See HyperSpec section 2.1.4.)

Function: set-standard-macro-characters [eclector.reader] readtable

This function sets the standard macro characters in readtable (See HyperSpec section 2.4.)

Function: set-standard-dispatch-macro-characters [eclector.reader] readtable

This function sets the standard dispatch macro characters, that is sharpsign and its sub-characters, in readtable (See HyperSpec section 2.4.8.)

Function: set-standard-syntax-and-macros [eclector.reader] readtable

This function sets the standard syntax types and macro characters in readtable by calling the above three functions.

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2.3 Readtable features

In this section, symbols written without package marker are in the eclector.readtable package (see Package for readtable features).

This package exports two kinds of symbols:

  1. Symbols the names of which correspond to the names of symbols in the common-lisp package. The functions bound to these symbols are generic versions of the corresponding standard Common Lisp functions. Clients can define custom readtables by defining methods on these generic functions.
  2. Symbols bound to additional functions and condition types.
Generic Function: readtablep [eclector.readtable] object

This function is the generic version of the standard Common Lisp function cl:readtablep. The function returns true if object can be used as a readtable in Eclector via the protocol functions in the ecelctor.readtable package. The default method returns nil.


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2.4 Parse result construction features

In this section, symbols written without package marker are in the eclector.parse-result package (see Package for parse result construction features).

This package provides clients with a reader that behaves similarly to cl:read but returns custom parse result objects controlled by the client. Some parse results correspond to things like symbols, numbers and lists that cl:read would return, while others, if the client chooses, represent comments and other kinds of input that cl:read would discard. Furthermore, clients can associate source location information with parse results.

Clients using this package pass a “client” instance for which methods on the generic functions described below are applicable to read, read-preserving-whitespace or read-from-string. Suitable client classes can be constructed by using parse-result-client as a superclass and at least defining a method on the generic function make-expression-result.


Figure 2.2: Functions and typical function call sequences. Solid arrows represent calls, dashed arrows represent returns from function calls. Labels above arrows represent arguments and return values. Differences from the non-parse result version are highlighted with bold text.

Figure 2.2 shows typical function call patterns that arise when the functions read, read-preserving-whitespace, read-from-string and read-delimited-list are called by client code.

Function: read [eclector.parse-result] client &optional (input-stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil)

This function is the main entry point for this variant of the reader. It is in many ways similar to the standard Common Lisp function cl:read. The differences are:

Function: read-preserving-whitespace [eclector.parse-result] client &optional (input-stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil)

This function is similar to the standard Common Lisp function cl:read-preserving-whitespace. The differences are the same as described above for read compared to cl:read.

Function: read-from-string [eclector.parse-result] client string &optional (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil) &key (start 0) (end nil) (preserve-whitespace nil)

This function is similar to the standard Common Lisp function cl:read-from-string. The differences are:

Class: parse-result-client [eclector.parse-result]

This class should generally be used as a superclass for client classes using this package.

Generic Function: source-position [eclector.parse.result] client stream

This generic function is called in order to determine the current position in stream. The default method calls cl:file-position.

Generic Function: make-source-range [eclector.parse-result] client start end

This generic function is called in order to turn the source positions start and end into a range representation suitable for client. The returned representation designates the range of input characters from and including the character at position start to but not including the character at position end. The default method returns (cons start end).

Generic Function: make-expression-result [eclector.parse-result] client result children source

This generic function is called in order to construct a parse result object. The value of the result parameter is the raw object read. The value of the children parameter is a list of already constructed parse result objects representing objects read by recursive read calls. The value of the source parameter is a source range, as returned by make-source-range and source-position delimiting the range of characters from which result has been read.

This generic function does not have a default method since the purpose of the package is the construction of custom parse results. Thus, a client must define a method on this generic function.

Generic Function: make-skipped-input-result [eclector.parse-result] client stream reason source

This generic function is called after the reader skipped over a range of characters in stream. It returns either nil if the skipped input should not be represented or a client-specific representation of the skipped input. The value of the source parameter designates the skipped range using a source range representation obtained via make-source-range and source-position.

Reasons for skipping input include comments, the #+ and #- reader macros and *read-suppress*. The aforementioned reasons are reflected by the value of the reason parameter as follows:

InputValue of the reason parameter
Comment starting with ;(:line-comment . 1)
Comment starting with ;;(:line-comment . 2)
Comment starting with n ;(:line-comment . n)
Comment delimited by #| |#:block-comment
#+<em>false-expression</em> 1 2(:sharpsign-plus . false-expression)
#-<em>true-expression</em> 1 2(:sharpsign-minus . true-expression)
*read-suppress* is true*read-suppress*
A reader macro returns no values:reader-macro

The default method returns nil, that is the skipped input is not represented as a parse result.

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2.5 CST reader features

In this section, symbols written without package marker are in the eclector.concrete-syntax-tree package (see Package for CST features).

Function: read [eclector.concrete-syntax-tree] &optional (input-stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil)

This function is the main entry point for the CST reader. It is mostly compatible with the standard Common Lisp function cl:read. The differences are:

Function: read-preserving-whitespace [eclector.concrete-syntax-tree] &optional (input-stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil)

This function is similar to the standard Common Lisp function cl:read-preserving-whitespace. The differences are the same as described above for read compared to cl:read.

Function: read-from-string [eclector.concrete-syntax-tree] string &optional (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil) &key (start 0) (end nil) (preserve-whitespace nil)

This function is similar to the standard Common Lisp function cl:read-from-string. The differences are the same as described above for read compared to cl:read.

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3 Recovering from errors

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3.1 Error recovery features

Eclector offers extensive support for recovering from many syntax errors, continuing to read from the input stream and return a result that somewhat resembles what would have been returned in case the syntax had been valid. To this end, a restart named eclector.reader:recover is established when recoverable errors are signaled. Like the standard Common Lisp restart cl:continue, this restart can be invoked by a function of the same name:

Function: recover [eclector.reader] &optional condition

This function recovers from an error by invoking the most recently established applicable restart named eclector.reader:recover. If no such restart is currently established, it returns nil. If condition is non-nil, only restarts that are either explicitly associated with condition, or not associated with any condition are considered.

When a read call during which error recovery has been performed returns, Eclector tries to return an object that is similar in terms of type, numeric value, sequence length, etc. to what would have been returned in case the input had been well-formed. For example, recovering after encountering the invalid digit in #b113The character 3 is not a digit in base 2.11 returns either the number #b11011 or the number #b11111.

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3.2 Recoverable errors

A syntax error and a corresponding recovery strategy are characterized by the type of the signaled condition and the report of the established eclector.reader:recover restart respectively. Attempting to list and describe all examples of both would provide little insight. Instead, this section describes different classes of errors and corresponding recovery strategies in broad terms:

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3.3 Potential problems

Note that attempting to recover from syntax errors may lead to apparent success in the sense that the read call returns an object, but this object may not be what the caller wanted. For example, recovering from the missing closing "While reading string, expected the character " when input ended. in the following example

(defun foo (x y)
  "My documentation string
  (+ x y))
While reading list, expected the character ) when input ended.
While reading string, expected the character " when input ended.

results in (DEFUN FOO (X Y) "My documentation string<newline> (+ x y))"), not (DEFUN FOO (X Y) "My documentation string" (+ x y)).

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4 Side effects

This chapter describes potential side effects of calling eclector.reader:read, eclector.reader:read-preserving-whitespace or eclector.reader:read-from-string for different kinds of clients.

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4.1 Potential side effects for the default client

The following destructive modifications are considered uninteresting and ignored in the remainder of this section:

Furthermore, the remainder of this section is written under the following assumptions:

If any of the above assumptions does not hold, “all bets are off” in the sense that arbitrary side effects other than the ones described below are possible. For notes regarding non-default clients, See Potential side effects for non-default clients.

Next: , Up: Potential side effects for the default client   [Contents][Index]

4.1.1 Symbols and packages (default client)

The default method on the generic function eclector.reader:interpret-symbol may create and intern symbols, thereby modifying the package system.

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4.1.2 Read-time evaluation (default client)

The default method on the generic function eclector.reader:evaluate-expression uses cl:eval to evaluate arbitrary expressions, potentially causing side effects. With the default readtable, the generic function is only called by the macro function of the #. reader macro.

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4.1.3 Standard reader macros (default client)

The default method on the generic function eclector.reader:call-reader-macro can cause side effects by calling macro functions that cause side effects. The following standard reader macros potentially cause side-effects:

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4.2 Potential side effects for non-default clients

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4.2.1 Symbols and packages

In addition to the potential side effects described in Symbols and packages (default client), strings passed as the third argument of eclector.reader:interpret-token are potentially destructively modified during conversion to the current readtable case.

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4.2.2 Read-time evaluation

The same considerations as in Read-time evaluation (default client) apply.

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4.2.3 Structure instance creation

Clients defining methods on eclector.reader:make-structure-instance which implement the standard behavior of calling the default constructor (if any) of the named structure should consider side effects caused by slot initforms of the structure. The following example illustrates this problem:

  (defvar *counter* 0)
  (defstruct foo (bar (incf *counter*)))
  #S(foo#<ECLECTOR.EXAMPLES.HIGHLIGHT::INTERNED-SYMBOL-NODE 69-72 {10064B7AD3}> should designate a structure type but is not a symbol.)
  *counter*  1
  #S(foo#<ECLECTOR.EXAMPLES.HIGHLIGHT::INTERNED-SYMBOL-NODE 95-98 {10064BDD23}> should designate a structure type but is not a symbol.)
  *counter*  2

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4.2.4 Circular structure

The fixup generic function potentially modifies its second argument destructively. Clients that define methods on eclector.reader:make-structure-instance should be aware of this potential modification in cases like #1=#S(foo#<ECLECTOR.EXAMPLES.HIGHLIGHT::INTERNED-SYMBOL-NODE 6-9 {10064D3283}> should designate a structure type but is not a symbol. :bar#<ECLECTOR.EXAMPLES.HIGHLIGHT::KEYWORD-SYMBOL-NODE 10-14 {10064D3D33}> should designate a structure slot but is neither a symbol, nor a string nor a character. #1#). Similar considerations apply for other ways of constructing compound objects such as #1=(t . #1#).

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4.2.5 Standard reader macros

The following standard reader macros could cause or be affected by side effects when combined with a non-standard client:

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Concept index

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Index Entry  Section

client: Ordinary reader features
client: Parse result construction features
concrete syntax tree: Introduction
concrete syntax tree: Package for CST features
concrete syntax tree: CST reader features

error: Recovering from errors

function: S-expression creation and quasiquotation

parse result: Introduction
parse result: Package for parse result construction features
parse result: Package for CST features
parse result: Ordinary reader features
parse result: Parse result construction features
parse result: CST reader features

quasiquotation: S-expression creation and quasiquotation
quotation: S-expression creation and quasiquotation

readtable: Package for readtable features
readtable: Readtable initialization
readtable: Readtable features
recovery: Recovering from errors

side effects: Side effects
source tracking: Introduction
source tracking: Ordinary reader features

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Function and macro and variable and type index

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Index Entry  Section

*client* [eclector.reader]: Ordinary reader features
*skip-reason* [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol

call-as-top-level-read [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
call-reader-macro [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
call-with-current-package [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
check-feature-expression [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol

evaluate-expression [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
evaluate-feature-expression [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol

find-character [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
fixup [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol

interpret-symbol [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
interpret-symbol-token [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
interpret-token [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol

make-expression-result [eclector.parse-result]: Parse result construction features
make-skipped-input-result [eclector.parse-result]: Parse result construction features
make-source-range [eclector.parse-result]: Parse result construction features
make-structure-instance [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol

note-skipped-input [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol

parse-result-client [eclector.parse-result]: Parse result construction features

read [eclector.concrete-syntax-tree]: CST reader features
read [eclector.parse-result]: Parse result construction features
read [eclector.reader]: Common Lisp reader compatible interface
read-common [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
read-delimited-list [eclector.reader]: Common Lisp reader compatible interface
read-from-string [eclector.concrete-syntax-tree]: CST reader features
read-from-string [eclector.parse-result]: Parse result construction features
read-from-string [eclector.reader]: Common Lisp reader compatible interface
read-maybe-nothing [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
read-preserving-whitespace [eclector.concrete-syntax-tree]: CST reader features
read-preserving-whitespace [eclector.parse-result]: Parse result construction features
read-preserving-whitespace [eclector.reader]: Common Lisp reader compatible interface
read-token [eclector.reader]: Reader behavior protocol
readtablep [eclector.readtable]: Readtable features
recover [eclector.reader]: Error recovery features

set-standard-dispatch-macro-characters [eclector.reader]: Readtable initialization
set-standard-macro-characters [eclector.reader]: Readtable initialization
set-standard-syntax-and-macros [eclector.reader]: Readtable initialization
set-standard-syntax-types [eclector.reader]: Readtable initialization
source-position [eclector.parse.result]: Parse result construction features

with-forbidden-quasiquotation [eclector.reader]: S-expression creation and quasiquotation
wrap-in-function [eclector.reader]: S-expression creation and quasiquotation
wrap-in-quasiquote [eclector.reader]: S-expression creation and quasiquotation
wrap-in-quote [eclector.reader]: S-expression creation and quasiquotation
wrap-in-unquote [eclector.reader]: S-expression creation and quasiquotation
wrap-in-unquote-splicing [eclector.reader]: S-expression creation and quasiquotation

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